Building Tune-up

Looking to optimize your existing equipment and save energy? Building Tune-up ensures your equipment is operating at peak performance, helping you conserve energy, save money, and extend the life of existing equipment. We offer financial incentives that can cover up to 85% of the project cost for several building tune-up services.

Medium and Large Business - Building Tune-up - accordions

To meet the Building Tune-up requirements, your building must:

  • Be located in Maryland and have a commercial electric account.
  • Have mechanical equipment that is in good condition.
  • Have equipment that is at least 2 years old.
  • Have higher-than-average electrical intensity (kWh/sq.ft.) based on an analysis using the EPA Portfolio Manager software or DOE CBECS data.

Not sure if you meet the requirements? Contact program representatives at 1-866-353-5799 to determine your eligibility.

If you are interested in maintaining the equipment in your existing building, you have come to the right place. Delmarva Power offers four Building Tune-up and Monitoring-Based Commissioning services that provide financial incentives for optimizing your energy-efficient equipment. For more details, review the MBCx and BT requirements in the Building Tune-Up Program Guidance Manual.

Small and Full Building Tune-up

  • Receive financial incentives for optimizing equipment.
  • Fine-tune existing equipment.
  • Optimize the life of existing equipment.
  • Increase operational energy and demand savings via a multi-step process.
  • Save with a lower capital investment than replacing equipment.

HVAC Tune-up

  • Receive financial incentives for optimizing equipment.
  • Fine-tune existing HVAC equipment.
  • Return equipment to its proper operational state.
  • Reduce future maintenance and repair costs.

Monitoring-Based Commissioning

  • Receive financial incentives for optimizing equipment.
  • Monitor and identify cost savings opportunities.
  • Benefit from a continuous process to improve comfort and optimize energy usage.
  • Save with a lower capital investment than replacing equipment.
  • Maximize the operational efficiency of your building.

Contact the Delmarva Power energy efficiency team, and we will help you:

1. Contact an approved Service Provider.

Visit the Service Provider Directory to get started.

2. Determine your Building Tune-up track.

Service Providers will provide technical support and can assist you with the application process. They will evaluate and recommend Building Tune-up services.

3. Apply for your incentives.

No headaches or fuss. Work with the Delmarva Power energy efficiency team and your Service Provider to make sure all necessary documentation is completed properly, so you receive your incentives as soon as possible. Identify the energy-efficient solutions that work best for your facility and budget by viewing our available incentives.

Building Tune-up


Download the Building Tune-up Factsheet

Interested in More Savings?

Delmarva Power is proud to offer a variety of energy savings programs to fit your business’s needs. Check out our other programs to find more ways to save energy and money.

Business Instant Discounts
Instant discounts on energy-efficient lighting at participating distributors.

New Construction and Major Renovation
Energy-efficient equipment available for sites undergoing new construction or major renovation.

Combined Heat and Power
Recovery of wasted heat.

Operations and Maintenance Training
Electric energy conservation training for your facility and staff.

Energy Efficient Communities
Energy-efficient incentives and support available for municipal and government customers.

Small Business
Energy-efficient incentives for businesses with energy demands of 100 kW or less.

Medium and Large Business
Energy-efficient incentives for businesses with energy demands greater than 100 kW.


We Are Here to Help

Have any questions about the incentives, your eligibility, or how to apply? Contact us and we can help you get started today.


EmPOWER Maryland programs are funded by a charge on your energy bill. EmPOWER programs can help you reduce your energy consumption and save you money. To learn more about EmPOWER and how you can participate, click here.

The EmPOWER Maryland charge funds programs that can help you reduce your energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and save you money. Since the inception of the EmPOWER Maryland program in 2008, the programs have saved $14.5 billion on installed measures at a cost of $4.1 billion. In addition to new program costs, this charge includes paying off the uncollected costs that were accrued over time by programs required by the EmPOWER statute and authorized by the Commission. In accordance with House Bill 864 the uncollected amounts will be fully paid by the end of 2032.