New Construction and Major Renovations

Looking to save money on your new construction or major renovation project? We offer technical support and cash incentives to owners and design teams for new construction, major renovation, and building addition projects.


Medium and Large Business - New Construction - accordions

To be eligible for new construction or major renovation incentives, your business must:

  • Be a site that is undergoing preparation for and construction of entirely new structures and/or extensions to existing buildings, or extensively altering an existing building encompassing projects where lighting and HVAC systems are being completely replaced.
  • Be a Delmarva power electric account customer or be in the process of becoming one.

Projects eligible for comprehensive design support include:

  • Any new construction or major renovation project of 50,000 conditioned sq. ft. or larger, or
  • Projects encompassing a minimum of 150 tons of cooling capacity and 75 kW of lighting load.


Prescriptive vs. Custom

If you are interested in energy-efficient equipment, you have come to the right place! Delmarva Power offers two program pathways that provide financial incentives for new construction and major renovation projects.

Prescriptive Incentives

Delmarva Power offers a wide range of pre-qualified “standard” measures to choose from. This means that, from the start of your project, you will know how much energy you are estimated to save and the incentive amount you will receive in return. 

Not sure if the prescriptive offering is right for you? Check out the list of pre-qualified prescriptive measures to see what qualifies. Is your equipment not listed? No worries! You can still apply for energy-efficient incentives through our Custom Program.

Custom Incentives

Delmarva Power offers custom incentives for both new construction and existing buildings, including for projects and measures not included in the Prescriptive Program. Custom incentives are typically more complex and can involve newer and more creative technologies.

Use our Custom Calculator located on the Application Portal to estimate a range of potential incentives for any project. Our team of energy consultants is also available to help you identify potential incentives, guide you through the planning process, and discuss minimum requirements and financial incentives.

Comprehensive Design Support and Technical Assistance

All new construction and major renovation projects are eligible for incentives. Customers may also be eligible for comprehensive design support or technical assistance to incorporate energy efficiency systems into the design, construction, and operation of their projects.

For projects equal to or larger than 50,000 sq. ft. of conditioned space.


In addition to equipment incentives, we offer the services of energy engineering professionals who will work with you and your design team. Their assistance can span the entire process, from the design stages to plan review and equipment specification—all with an eye toward maximizing available pre-qualified prescriptive and custom program incentives. We also offer cash incentives to the design team for the analysis necessary to accommodate program recommendations accepted by the customer.

The Comprehensive Design Support requirements and processes are structured to support participation in the Leadership in Energy Environmental Design rating system, if the customer so desires; however, the program energy baseline will be compatible with the most recently adopted Maryland State Building Code, which references ASHRAE 90.1-2013.

For projects less than 50,000 sq. ft. of conditioned space.


In addition to equipment incentives, we offer free technical assistance to promote energy efficiency options. Our energy engineering professionals will work with you or your design team to review plans and equipment specifications to maximize available prescriptive and custom program incentives.

1. Contact us during the early design phase.

Contact us to determine your project’s eligibility for incentives and design or technical assistance. You may also contact a Service Provider to assist you with the application process and/or the installation of your energy-efficient equipment. Visit the Service Provider Directory to get started.

2. Choose qualifying equipment and measures.

Identify the energy-efficient solutions that work best for your facility and budget by viewing incentives available to you.

3. Apply for your incentives.

No headaches or fuss. Work with the Delmarva Power energy efficiency team and your Service Provider to make sure all necessary documentation is completed properly so you receive your incentives as soon as possible.


New Construction and Major Renovations

Interested in More Savings?

Delmarva Power is proud to offer a variety of energy savings programs to fit your business’s needs. Check out our other programs to learn about other ways you can save energy and money.

Business Instant Discounts
Instant discounts on energy-efficient lighting at participating distributors.

Medium and Large Business
Energy-efficient incentives for businesses with energy demands greater than 100 kW.

Combined Heat and Power
Recovery of wasted heat.

Operations and Maintenance Training 
Electric energy conservation training for your facility and staff.

Energy Efficient Communities
Energy-efficient incentives and support available for municipal and government customers.

Small Business
Energy-efficient incentives for businesses with energy demands of 100 kW or less.

We Are Here to Help

Have any questions about the incentives, your eligibility, or how to apply? Contact us and we can help you get started today.


EmPOWER Maryland programs are funded by a charge on your energy bill. EmPOWER programs can help you reduce your energy consumption and save you money. To learn more about EmPOWER and how you can participate, click here.

The EmPOWER Maryland charge funds programs that can help you reduce your energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions and save you money. Since the inception of the EmPOWER Maryland program in 2008, the programs have saved $14.5 billion on installed measures at a cost of $4.1 billion. In addition to new program costs, this charge includes paying off the uncollected costs that were accrued over time by programs required by the EmPOWER statute and authorized by the Commission. In accordance with House Bill 864 the uncollected amounts will be fully paid by the end of 2032.